Is what I hear over and over again from friends and acquaintances.
In extreme circumstances I might agree with them. But really I think everyone has time to craft. Even if it’s just little bits here and there. That is what I had to do this week to make these…
One day I cut up the branch and it took about ten minutes. Then I put the slices in the dehydrator for a couple days…no effort on my part.
Then I sanded them on a nice sunny afternoon/evening with my palm sander. Took about ten/15 minutes.
And while I was cooking supper last night I got out my wood burner and started! I’d get up to stir what was on the stove and flip the homemade tortilla’s I was making…and in between times burn.
I think one of the main differences between a die-hard-crafter and a crafter-sometimes is that even when I’m not crafting…I’m often thinking about it. So when I do get to a project I’m ready to go! I brought my wood burner up from the basement when I put in a load of laundry. I got my snowflake stamp and tree stamp up from the basement when I put the laundry in the dryer… I will drill the holes so I can use these as ornaments the next time my drill is charged and I have a few minutes. Crafting doesn’t have to take up very much time. Yes, there are times when it will take up a huge chunk of time but it’s a choice you make how you’ll use that free time. Craft or watch TV? Craft or read a book? Craft or go out on the town? Crafting isn’t always my choice…just my choice most of the time.
Happy Crafting!
ps: The other most annoying comment I get is “I could make that if I had the time!” Really
Oh wow, these are beautiful!
I'll echo Elissa, and then also say that ps comment is one so many of us have heard... it really pushes my buttons too!
I love these Kim. Truly!! I know I'm one even though you said I'm not. Maybe now I'll take the extra time and start crafting again. Mike is gone and my evenings are freer so it's time.
Hope the banquet is excellent. Take care.
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