Monday, July 2, 2012

Been awhile…


I know it’s been awhile since I posted so I grabbed my camera and went into my office to snap a few pictures and I got ONE before my batteries went dead. Argh! Well, what you see is a murder of crows in the process. They have been “in the process” of getting finished for over a week. However, I am proud of myself for not starting a new project until the current project is finished. I used to have two or three projects going all the time and that just gets messy. For the past several months I limit myself to one project at a time. Only time will tell how long I can keep that up – lol!

Speaking of messy, I reorganized my office again. Seriously, I think there is something wrong with me. I can’t stop rearranging my office/craft room! This is about the 10th time in the past 5 years. Enough already!!!! This time I reorganized with the intention of having a crafting table in here. I am tired of crafting at the kitchen table. Well, I love crafting at the kitchen table but I’m tired of having to clean up for meal times and tired of looking at the mess even when I’m not working on a project. So, I thought I’d ask my hubbie for an office re-do for my birthday. Then we decided to book a cruise (and we did!) for next March. It isn’t cheap. I decided to work with what I have instead. I can ask for an office re-do next year or the year after that…maybe by then I can figure out what exactly I want anyway.

Speaking of the hubbie – here is what we went and did last week -

Speaking of the cruise we are going on the Monsters of Rock Cruise 2013!!!!!! On the cruise we get to go to PROM TOGETHER!!!! We get a ROOM WITH A BALCONY ON THE SHIP!!!! We get to MEET OUR FAVORITE BANDS!!!! Well, it’s not until March 2013 so I’m sure I’ll be posting more…geez we are excited!!!!

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